Aishwarya Rajesh is an Indian film actress, who has appeared in leading roles primarily in Tamil cinema. She started her career as Anchor in a famous comedy show called Asathapovadhu Yaru on Sun TV. After winning the reality show Maanada Mayilada. she made her debut in Avargalum Ivargalum (2011) and became known after starring in Attakathi (2012) portraying the role of Amudha. Her first Malayalam film was Jomonte Suvisheshangal opposite Dulquer Salmaan and she also acted with Nivin Pauly in her second Malayalam film Sakhavu. She made her debut in Bollywood, in 2017 through the film Daddy opposite to Arjun Rampal and also acting in two big films Vada Chennai and Dhruva Natchathiram opposite Dhanush and Vikram. She received Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Actress for the 2014 film Kaaka Muttai at Tamil Nadu State Film Awards.
Aishwarya was born in Chennai. Aishwarya's father Rajesh was also an actor who had appeared in 54 films in Telugu. Her grandfather Amarnath too acted in lead roles, while her aunt Srilakshmi, is a Telugu comedian with over 500 films to her credit.
She studied at Ethiraj College for Women, Chennai and graduated with a B.Com degree. She started to learn dance since she needed to choreograph a stage show for a student cultural fest and later entered the reality show Maanada Mayilada on Kalaignar TV. She won the show's third season and got offered roles in films thereafter. She expressed her gratitude to Arjun rampal for introducing her to bollywood.